Pfanderfilm opens in Berlin.
Mission Backup Earth is officially selected for the Phillip K. Dick Science Fiction Festival in New York
2016 Award Season
DEC 2016 – NEW EPISODE 6 “DYSON SPHERE” released”
OCT 2016 – Mission Backup Earth wins at the UK Webfest
JULY 2016 – Mission Backup Earth wins at the Stargate Galactic International Festival
MAY 2016 – MBE is officially selected for Kwebfest 2016 and nominated in 5 categories
APRIL 2016
Starburst writes a review:
MARCH 2016 – NEW EPISODE 5 “EVA” released.
EP 5 is starring David Prowse best known for playing DARTH VADER in Star Wars!
2 Articles from webseries mag:
Nov 2015 Finished the live Action Shoots for the Season Finale.
Mission Backup Earth is selected for the Miami Webfest 2015 and nominated for best Sci fi
JUNE 2015: Shooting guest appearance off David Prowse for Episode 5
End of January:
Prepping for the upcoming shoots of 2 new Episodes: “Russian Doll” & “The Dyson Sphere”
Finalizing EP03 “Damage Report” and S03 EP01 “Redundancy”
JAN 2015
Best visual effects in a web series 2014. Congrats to our amazing team, YOU GUYS ROCK!
Mission Backup Earth is officially selected for the Marseille Web Fest 2014.
Mission Backup Earth wins 4 Awards at the LAWebfest 2014. Outstanding directing, cinematography, editing and visuel effects in a science fiction.
Creator Alexander Pfander receiving his award on stage.
FEB 2014
Mission Backup Earth is officially selected at the LA Web Festival.
Currently Pfander Film is looking for funding to push forward with the 1st Series. Currently Alex, Billy and Anthony have been working on the 12 episode script which is progressing well. We now have a Series Bible which is proving to be useful reference in the development.
Two recent reviews to check out:
MBE has been featured by Max Films in it’s Australian TV documentary series ‘Inside Web Series’ on Channel 31
We received the MELBOURNE AWARDS courtesy of Tony Pinkpank – who attended the festival and represented the series. He also kindly sent over some T-shirts which we sported at our read through of Episode 02 on Tuesday, 6th August.
Below still from the festival and image from the read through features from left to right: Alex Pfander, Richard Bray, Caprice Crawford, Anthony Straeger and Meredith Burkholder.
We won… We won!!! MBE Prequel has won BEST SCI-FI and GRAND JURY award at the MELBOURNE WEB FESTIVAL.
This is a great boost for the team and an acknowledgment of all the hard work.
JUNE 2013
Still having issues with the Apps development – it is a difficult area and has complicated encoding for all platforms – but should be released soon. We have now finished shooting Episode 01 of SEASON 01 – A great start and thanks to ALEX TV BERLIN for the studio – They will be airing the Prequel by the fall. The following 3 episodes are underway. MBE the Prequel has been accepted into the MELBOURNE WEB FESTIVAL starting on 20th July. Plans are afoot to rehearse Episode 2 in July with an aim to shoot in August.
Here is a MAKING OF that we hope you will like:
MAY 2013
Work has now commenced on developing the story and script for MISSION BACKUP EARTH SEASON 01. In addition Billy Tyson has now joined the writing team. We have also been accepted by BLIP TV so it can now been seen in all it’s glory their on MISSION BACKUP EARTH TV
APRIL 2013
We have been accepted into the Melbourne Web Festival. Well done to all of the team for their hard work.
Our MISSION BACKUP EARTH PRESS KIT is also now available – please feel free to DOWNLOAD PRESS KIT
MARCH 2013
Episode 5 completed now resolving upload issues to Apps Media Network. We have submitted to a number of Festivals fingers crossed.
MBE is also now on Twitter: https://twitter.com/MBackupEarth
A merging of two of the shorter scripts has taken place and now it will complete as a 5 part series total time around 15 minutes. Episode 4 completed.
Episode 3 completed
December 2012
Episode 2 completed – Additional work on the website and other marketing aspects. Planned screening Date: End of March 2013!
November 2012
Episode 1 completed
September 2012
Post Production commneced lead by Hannu Hoffren. Much was learned about the process of working purely on green screen.
August 2012
Pre-production of the 6 part App-Series, including 3rd casting for the female lead part Dr. Jenna Brennagan, now played by Drifa Hansen and shooting commenced on the Prequel Series.
July 2012
Decision to produce a 6 part mini test season. Each episode will run about 5 min. The first mini-season will be presented on a app-platform. Free to watch on smartphones.
Jun 2012
Trailer completion and release on youtube.
April 2012
Editor Hannu Hoffren joins the team and works on the Trailer.
Mar 2012
Trailer shoot.
Feb 2012
Trailer pre-production including 2nd casting round. Richard Bray and Lyly Schoettle join the cast.
Nov 2011
Trailer Test shooting.
Okt 2011
First Casting round. Mark Windsor and Anthony Straeger join the cast.
Sept 2011
Joined the crowd-sourcing platform Wreckamovie and started assemble team: Aric Fischer, Tony Pinkpank and others..). Work on conceptual designs.
Aug 2011
Pre-Teaser done by Pdomefx.
Script writing begins.
Creator Alexander Pfander has the idea for the science fiction space series MISSION BACKUP EARTH and begins with intensive research.