STC “Nikola Tesla”

STC “Nikola Tesla” deep space transport vessel

Latest design by Tony Pinkpank


First Draft by Aric Fischer

Per previous brainstorming and communication with Alexander, this is my attempt at building the STC (Space Tec Corporation) Nikola Tesla.

Attached are rough designs of the ship, to be detailed as I work the areas out. Included is an idea for the cargo containers, designed in a triangular form for easy stacking, connecting and disconnecting in space.

Again, these are very rough concept images so far. There is a lot of detail work still to come.

Comments, suggestions and questions welcome!


Ship diagram now calls out areas of interest.

Engine Area: Features nuclear reactor and gas (hydrogen, oxygen, etc.) tanks and engines for both interplanetary high-speed thrust and low-speed orbital maneuvers. Image design will change when I have that area updated. the material shown was borrowed from another model.

Bridge “Sphere”: contains inside decks that rotate on axis so that the decks are “sideways” when in orbit and slow transit, and turned so that crew are heads facing front when in high speed transit – to create gravity with acceleration.

Crew and Passenger Quarters – Floors situated so that people stand with heads facing front of ship for gravity effect when on long interplanetary trips.

Gravity Ring – Crew living areas for when ship is in low speed and orbital maneuvers for long periods of time.

Cargo Area – Self-explained. Modular cargo containers that fit together for ideal shipping, packing and unpacking individually or in clusters of six.